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Installing ClamAv Virus Scanner on Ubuntu 8.10 intrepid

Installing ClamAV AntiVirus Server

  • Go to Applications > Add/Remove Applications

  • In Add/Remove Applications page, type virus in search box.

  • Select Virus Scanner (ClamAV) and click OK.

  • In Confirmation window, click on Apply to install the virus scanner successfully.

Automate scan files/folders for viruses

Automatically scan files/folders for viruses at midnight everyday. Just follow these steps to automate.

  • Go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal

  • In the terminal as shown below, copy paste the command export EDITOR=gedit && sudo crontab -e and run it.

Enter your password and hit return.

Note: User should have administrator permissions.

  • In Editor page, append : 00 00 * * * sudo clamscan -r /location_of_files_or_folders at the end of file save and close the editor.

Automation process is now set successfully and your system is monitored.

  • If you want to check for the Status of Scanning use command: sudo clamscan -r /location_of_files_or_folders

  • This will display the summary of scanning as indicated in the screen below.

source : http://www.zolved.com/

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