Installing ClamAV AntiVirus Server
Go to Applications > Add/Remove Applications
In Add/Remove Applications page, type virus in search box.
Select Virus Scanner (ClamAV) and click OK.
In Confirmation window, click on Apply to install the virus scanner successfully.
Automate scan files/folders for viruses
Automatically scan files/folders for viruses at midnight everyday. Just follow these steps to automate.
- Go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal
In the terminal as shown below, copy paste the command export EDITOR=gedit && sudo crontab -e and run it.
Enter your password and hit return.
Note: User should have administrator permissions.
In Editor page, append : 00 00 * * * sudo clamscan -r /location_of_files_or_folders at the end of file save and close the editor.
Automation process is now set successfully and your system is monitored.
If you want to check for the Status of Scanning use command: sudo clamscan -r /location_of_files_or_folders
This will display the summary of scanning as indicated in the screen below.
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