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Cheat Codes Neighbour From Hell 2

req. temend nih lupa baru upload.
For Invisible mode download it. and Copy the modified file in your Nfh2\data directory,
and enjoy the game in 'invisible' mode.

episode 1 all round
take soap out of the chest.
place the soap in the water on the deck.
take hairpin out of thee vanity bag.
use hairpin with locked tool cupboard.
use macgyver pocket knife with buffet table.
again take soap out of th chest.
use the pipe wrench on the deck railing door.
use the soap with pupple of water.
take spaghetti.
use spaghetti with captian hat.

episode 2 - convert advance
examine litter bin (shark fin)
take sandbucket
take sawfish on a sign
examine seaweed.
use sandbucket with electric eel.
examine reed.
use reed with crabnest.
use sharkfin with remote controlled submarine.
use crab with coolbox.
use rake.
use seaweed with down rake.
use sawfish with bridge rail.
use electric eel with pond.

episode 3 - the cabin is occupied
search olga's bag (nylon tights).
take cannon ball.
use nylon tights with broken-down generator.
take wan kwai chilli sauce.
take oil can.
examine toolbelt.
use wan kwai chilli sauce on toilet paper.
use oild can on lever rice chute.
use cannon ball on melons.
use spanner with collapsible bike.

episode 4 - for whom the gong sounds.
use toy dispenser (teddy bear).
take brick.
take bonsai scissors.
take rice bowl.
take umbrella stand.
use rice bowl with grease
give teddy bear to olga's kid (party popper for kids).
use party popper with hot-dogs.
use umbrella stand with drumstick for a gong.
use rice bowl with grease with rickshaw.
use brick with karate show for tourists.
use rice bowl with grease with ming vase.
use bonsai scissors with jade necklace.

episode 5 - ping-pong fucius
take glasses.
examine duck cage (egg)
examine box (bicycle inner tube)
take hammer and nails.
examine abchor (rope)
examine box (bangers)
use bangers with lions statue
use glasses with lion statue (lion head)
use egg with ping-pong table
use rope with rockets.
use lion head with sand sculpture.
use bicycle inner tube with barrel of eels.
use hammer with nails with water-skis.

episode 6 - every shot a hit
examine toy box (whoopee cushion)
examine sport bag (rubber band)
use whoopee cushion with pile of cushions.
take flea-infected dog blanket (flea- infected dog blanket,furry rabbit)
examine denture adhesive vending machine (denture adhesive)
use denture adhesive with bag for dynamite fishing.
use rubber band with harpoon.
use furry rabbit with lauching pad
use flea-infected dog blanket with towel.

episode 7 - mummy's darling
take wiskey.
take sea urchin.
2x examine moped (spring,pedal)
examine barbecue (barbecue tongs)
use wiskey on barman.
take ice bucket.
use ice bucket with water tap.
use spring with diving board.
use barbecue tongs on crab nest.
use crab on conch.
use barbecue tongs on crab nest.
use crab with sand castle
use sea urchin with beach towel.
use pedal with awning pole.
use spring with diving board.

episode 8 - above the clouds (not finished)
examine bowl of balloons(balloon).
take spade.
use spade with seesaw.
use balloon with charmer with flute.
examine mousehole (mouse)
take round board with nails.
take wire (in front of the board with nails)
take spong and chalk.
use mouse on heap of stones(snake).
use wire with electric safeguard.
use snake with alms bowl.
free tied up little yapper (the dog)
use rake.
use board with nails on shoe cleaning machine.
the spong and chalk are for the line with the angry elephant but i don't know how.

episode 9 - burning with ambition (not finished)
examine construction set for arsonists (fuel container,matches)
use pocket knife with flowers
use fuel container with channel (fakir)
use flowers with holy cow(cow-pat)
use matches with drain cover.
take pair of bellows
take asbestos nappies.
use cow-pat with ice-cream machine.
use pocket knife with holy cow.
use fuel container with water trough
use pair of bellows with carpet of coals.

episode 10 - the enlightenment (not finished)
2x take sea urchin.
use sea urchin with stall.
examine alms bowl (bone).
take olga's bra.
use olga's bra with melons.
take fishing net.
take cricket bat out of the water
take suntan oil.
use fishing net with toolbelt (hanging on pole above the deck chair of the neighbour) (tongs)
use tongs with valve
examine puddle of water(octopus)
use octopus with stall.
use sea urchin with deck chair.
use bone with sleeping little yapper (the dog).
use suntan oil with diving board.
use cricket bat with elephant.

episode 11 - neighbour over board (not finished)
examine urinal (urinal tablets)
take fire extinguisher.
search chest of drawers (euro coin)
examine plate(sausage).
examine picture of mom (bent nail)
use sausage with little yapper.
search mom's bag (callus rasp)
take compressed-air cylinder
use callus rasp on lifeboat
use compressed-air cylinder with life jacket
use fire extinguisher with diving gear.
use urinal tablets with sweets (next to the phone)
use euro coin with phone.
use callus rasp with toilet signs.
use bent nail with child's fishing rod

episode 12 - action!
examine skeleton(rasty dagger)
take pot of red paint
search parrot's nest (first ruby)
take resin
take crowbar
take corn cob
use crowbar with stone plate(second ruby)
use both ruby's with aztec throne
use dagger with revolving stone disc (sharpened dagger)
use sharpend dagger with whip.
use resin with mechanical bull
use crowbar with closed mine(explosive)
use explosive with cigars.
use pot of red paint with bench.
use euro coin with coin slot for boot.
use corn cob with replete parrot.

episode 13 - eat and be eaten
examine bag of cement (cement powder)
take flower
take a statue hand
take empty preserving jar
examine skeleton (bottle of tequila)
take chicken drums
examine piranha skeleton (piranha head)
take chilli pepper
use flower with feeding trough
use cement powder with bath salt
take wasps' nest
use statue hand with lever mechinical cow
use wasps' nest with pinata
use empty jar with termites
use bottle of tequila with glass of water
use pepper with nachos
use chicken drums with carnivorous plant
use piranha teeth with bigger carnivorous plant
use yar with with termites on picnic basket

episode 14 - don't panic
take signalling ammo
take carpet
take piece of broken glass
examine doormat (number code)
examine mom's bag (sleeping tablets)
use carpet with open cargo hatch
use signalling ammo with flare gun
use glass with straps of cargo
take 2 fish
use fish with flowers
take cloth
use fish on bucket
use cloth with dirty pane of glass
examine parrot (key)
open lock on door with key
use sleeping tablets on hot toddy
use code on coded keybar

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Gempa Tasikmalaya sebagai pengingat

muncul berbagai macam berita media massa maupun elektronik diantaranya Gempa 7,3 Richter yang berpusat di 142 kilometer sebelah barat daya Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat, terasa hingga ke Pulau Bali. Sejauh ini, belum ada laporan korban maupun kerusakan. Di Bali, kekuatan gempa yang dirasakan termasuk dalam skala II Modified Mercally Intensity (MMI). (2/9/2009).

Teman-teman juga berteriak sambil beranjak dari dalam rumah, lailaha illalah!!! berulang2x membuat sedikit hati gemetar, sampe 10 menit kami berada di luar rumah sebagai tanda hati-hati saja ditakutkan gempa susulan akan kembali terulang. tapi alhamdulillah gempa itu hanya terjadi sekali.

Bukan hanya itu penulis jg yg berada tepat tetangga Tasikmalaya sungguh merasakan akibat dari adanya gempa tersebut, itulah sebabnya diblog ini saya tulis keadaan situasi dikala gempa tersebut terjadi. tepat seperti yang dikatakan Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika (BMG) mencatat gempa terjadi pukul 14.55 WIB, Rabu (2/9). BMG melansir peringatan gempa berpotensi tsunami dan meminta agar diteruskan kepada masyarakat. Posisi gempa berada pada 8,24 Lintang Selatan - 107,32 Bujur Timur (142 km) dengan kedalaman 30 km di BaratDaya Tasikmalaya. alhamdulillah ditempat kami khususnya majalengka bagian selatan tidak terdapat kerusakan yang berarti, walaupun goyangan akibat gempa yang berdurasi kurang dari 7 detik ini, cukup hanya membuat retak pada dinding rumah yang dikatakan sudah tua saja.

alhamdulillah Ya Allah kami masih diberi kesempatan untuk menunaikan ibadah puasa ini. amin.

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Check Who Is Invisible On Yahoo

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