Nambah lagi sebagai share aja, buat kamu yang suka banget dengan games berdimensi 3D jelas pasti harus mempunya fasilitas pendukung yang memadai, diantaranya dengan DirectX 10 ini.
aq dapat dari seorang temen di Softarchive. silahkan coba dulu bisa didownload gratis ko.. hehe
Here is a DirectX 10 for Windows XP by KM-Software DirectX team. You only need to download dx10_xp.exe file and run it to install. During installation, you can even install DirectX 10 version from Alky Project or DirectX 10 version from KM-Software.
Here is a DirectX 10 for Windows XP by KM-Software DirectX team. You only need to download dx10_xp.exe file and run it to install. During installation, you can even install DirectX 10 version from Alky Project or DirectX 10 version from KM-Software.