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Memory Booster Gold Download Gratis

Aplikasi untuk mempercepat kinerja memory ini cukup bisa diandalkan karena selain berukuran hanya 1.5 mb jg merupakan software release terbaru yang diluncurkan.

Ga ada slahnya dicoba untuk mempercepat kinerja CPU, hal ini telah dibuktikan dengan meningkatnya 10% bahkan lebih kinerja memory yang telah ada di kompi kita. tentunya dengan settingan yang benar dan sesuai dengan kompi kita.

Memory Booster Gold is an application which allows users to solve the problems they have regarding their memory and CPU usage. It is a feature-rich yet easy-to-use program. Whether you want to improve your PC's performance or cleanse fragmentations collected in your system, it must be the tool of choice. Memory is precious resource for computer, when it becomes low, the computer will slow down severely or cash often.Windows is capable of running many programs at the same time. This is great for users, enabling the existence of some tools that work constantly in the background and provide useful services. Memory Booster Gold is one of such tools. It is a useful utility to monitor and manage system memory. It easily indicates the current state of memory consumption and can (automatically or manually) free up memory. It improves system performance by releasing and compressing memory. This decreases load time and improves application performance.

Here are some key features of "Memory Booster Gold":
· Improve system response Time.
· Defrag memory in the background
· Reclaim lost memory for programs
· Monitor system and automatically optimize it when needed without interrupting your work
· Display how much memory you have in real time
· Show current amount of memory occupied by all running processes
· Automatically compress or release memory when free memory falls below specified value
· Add the process you want to clean up or compress into the Black List.
· Add the process you do not want to clean up or compress into the White List.
· Specify desired memory amount to release or reclaim
· Monitor CPU usage in real time automatically
· Adjust priority of CPU allocation automatically
· Learn user's habit constantly
· Analyze and recognize the frequently used applications
· Terminate threatening processes and programs or release memory occupied by listed processes.
· High CPU usage problem modified.
· Unspecified error of displayed icon in the system tray modified.
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